Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Boudie's stormy visit

We have just had an enjoyable,if a little bizzare, visit from my mate Boudie and his mum and dad. So there we all were on Tuesday afternoon, enjoying a spot of sunbathing and swimming (not me, but I did manage a paddle in the shallow end) before partaking of some food and (the people) some more of that bottle stuff. I even managed to get my nose into the peanut bowl before once again being severely rebuked! Guess I am going to have to give up the peanuts.

The sky was blue, the temperature was about 34C, and it was a really pleasant afternoon. Then, fairly rapidly, some dark clouds began to form over Quillan and started to head our way. It soon began to spit with rain. "No worries" they all cried - it will soon pass over (isn't that some form of religious festival?). "We are OK under this large umbrella".

Well, to cut long story short, it did not pass over, but developed into a major storm with torrential rain and hail and when the wind started driving it horizontally everyone (including us dogs under the table) decided to make a run for the house. We all made it, thoroughly soaked, battered by hailstones, and with everyone (except us dogs) clutching some item of food or drink from the table.

The house, which had all its doors and windows left open because of the heat, was somewhat awash and I actually saw mum's pink flip flops drift past in the conservatory.

The afternoon's event was forced to continue in the rain soaked house whilst us dogs were relegated to the conservatory - something to do with very muddy paws I think.

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