YIPEE! My blood test results for the rabies jab just came through and I PASSED. That means that from the 23rd September I will be a certified international traveller able to go to all sorts of interesting places with my own passport. In fact, I hear rumours that we might actually be going to England at the end of the year – now how cool is that! Must say all of that suffering with the big needles and all, now seems worthwhile. I even got given one of my favourite chews this morning to celebrate.
Now I seem to be a bit out of favour a bit for jumping up at the kitchen worktops. I do this for two reasons – firstly I am now big enough so I can, and secondly that is where the food is. Seems perfectly reasonable to me, but apparently not to mum and dad. They have taken to spraying me with water when I do it and, as I am not too partial to water except for drinking, I find it a bit of a deterrent, so I suppose I will have to get to like water or buy a rain hat if I wish to continue my countertop raids.
We sometimes go on a new walk now up on the hill at the back of Montazels. It is really nice and there are plenty of big piles of rock to climb, which I love. Mum always says she thinks one of my ancestors must have been a mountain goat, so I here is a picture to prove it.
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