F R E E D O M !
Star date Wednesday 4th Feb 2008 – I am released into the outside world. Hurrah!
Having spent all of my life so far confined in fairly restricted spaces I was absolutely champing at the bit to explore further afield, and on Wednesday my dream came true. I was taken out for my first walk. I must say it was ever so slightly scary at first and I had to keep checking mum and dad were still to hand, but I soon got the hang of it and must say it was all very interesting (and tasty in parts – like rabbit poo!). A photographic record of my first tentative footsteps was commissioned and is attached.
As if that wasn’t enough, the next day I had my first friend round to lunch. I had heard all about Lily but had never met her, so I have to say I was a bit shy at first. Mind you, it did not take long before we were both tearing round the garden flat out, bowling each other over in the process, and generally having a great time. After more than two hours of this, whilst the adults had lunch and loads of wine, I was decidedly knackered (as was Lily) and as soon as they left I was straight into my bed where I stayed for most of the evening.
I must say I am quite enjoying this new, fuller life style, and it continues tomorrow with a visit to Aunty Mary and Uncle Tim. Will report on this visit later.
Forgive me but I must now crawl back to bed as I am still a bit shattered.
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