Sunday, April 11, 2010

Easter update

Just thought I would bring you all up to date with what has been going on since Toques et Clochers (see my last blog). Last weekend it was the Antugnac Easter Egg hunt which involved shipping cart loads of kids off to the field to hunt for the 300 bags of chocolates secreted amongst the vines whilst the adults got down to some serious omelette and grillade food eating and of course loads of bottle stuff - well it was held in a wine cave. Now I did not get personally involved in either the egg hunt or the meal but I did a fair bit of socialising both before and after the lunch, meeting up with loads of old friends like Uncle Martin and Auntie Val and even my lovely vet, Marie Christine. I also met lots of new people and a horse too!

Other than that it has been a quiet week but at least the weather seems to be finally getting a bit summery. The mud is going fast and I can now get back in the vineyards for my walks.

I've had a bit of a dodgey ear too. The other week when Lily came over she tried towing me round the garden by my ear which resulted in a small chunk of my ear parting company with the rest. This week the scab fell off and I started bleeding all over the place. At one point our kitchen looked like it had hosted the Texas chain saw massacre! However, all is now well as mum is applying liberal doses of Savlon on a regular basis.

All this good weather recently has resulted in a burst of garden activity and I just love to help with that. Dad had dug a big hole and planted a new plant so I dug it up again just to show how good I am. He was not impressed.

These long warm early summer days spent lounging around the garden fair take it out of a young dog so now I am off to my bed for a good night's kip.

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