Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Hurrah! 1000 hits reached today

This is a day for great celebration both in Frogland - it is Bastille day - and in Frog Dog Land where I have just received the wonderful news that today my blog reached a total of 1000 hits. As you can see below, I am ecstatically pleased about this.

Not at all bad for an obscure blog written by a French Pyrennean Pointer about his day to day exploits in the South of France. And all of this has been achieved in just over 16 months since I was a mere pup in arms. I have had hits from over 50 countries from all corners of the world with some of the more unusual ones being Belarus, Vietnam, Bulgaria, and Brazil. The top three are much as expected with France at number 1 (well I am French), United Kingdom at number 2, and the good old USA at number 3.

I have a lovely collection of regular readers including Lise in Provence, Bilo in Morocco,and the Russian Institute of Molecular Biology! And furthermore, there are lots of people who visit me via Auntie Vanilla's wonderful blog of gossip from a small French town, Tilling-sur-Aude (

So can I finally post (sic!) a big thank you to you all for being interested and I hope I can continue to inform and amuse for years to come.

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