Now those of you who remember last year's blog on my attempt at a one dog vendage will realise that I am somewhat partial to the odd grape. Personally I see no harm at all in consuming the occassional bunch but it appears that that grapes, or, to be more specific, the pips in them, are toxic to us dogs. This has resulted in a blanket ban being imposed on my grape consumption.
When the verbal instructions went unheeded I found myself suddenly enclosed (whilst in the vineyards) in a Hannibal Lecter style mask which physically prevents me eating them. I admit that if I eat too many I get a bit sick, but I find it a bit degrading and unfair.
After all, the famous bottle stuff that all the humans love comes, I understand, from grapes, and yet I never see any of them with such unpleasant appendages on, and plenty of them get sick after too much of that. Actually, come to think of it, I think I did once see one being worn in a darkened bedroom, but that was a different story!
However, I digress from my report. The grapes actually harvested this year never did get fully up to normal size but are very sweet. The resulting 2010 wine should therefore, according to my vigneron friend Francois, be of very good quality but with less of it being produced, so therefore a bit more expensive. So some good news and some bad news for all you fans of the bottle stuff.
As for me, I will just be glad when it is all over and all the grapes have been picked. Then I can get back to running around the vines unincumbered by that horrible contraption on my head. I might even find the odd grape or two that the pickers missed!